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Working hours:Mon - Fri 9:00 - 18:00

Online Trauma Counselling

Trauma can have a significant impact on your mental and emotional health. If you have experienced a traumatic event, our telehealth therapy can help you to process your trauma through guided therapy sessions We offer a variety of trauma therapies, including:

  • Cognitive processing therapy (CPT)
  • Prolonged exposure therapy (PE)
  • Narrative therapy
  • Somatic experiencing therapy

If left unmanaged, trauma can develop into post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), where the person will be forced to relive painful and frightening past experiences.

With technology and Minds Online’s telehealth services, you can receive professional mental health services online for affordable counselling to individuals and families anywhere in Australia. Whether in the big city or somewhere in the vast countryside, you can expect an online trauma therapist to reach you and offer support when you need it.

What is Trauma?

You can define trauma as an event or events that are a basis for intense or extreme feelings of regret, horror, confusion, or shock. It’s worth noting that trauma isn’t necessarily linked to a single event. Sometimes, it results from a chain of distressful experiences over the person’s lifetime. This can happen when they don’t receive adequate support with every traumatic incident that happens. There are three broad categories of trauma:

Single Incident Trauma

Single-incident Trauma occurs when an individual experiences a single, highly distressing event, leading to significant emotional and psychological repercussions.

Complex Trauma

Complex Trauma is a condition resulting from enduring multiple and prolonged distressing experiences, which can have a profound and intricate impact on an individual’s mental and emotional well-being. They create deep emotional wounds leading to trauma.

Acute Trauma

Acute trauma refers to sudden and intense emotional or psychological distress resulting from a single, often unexpected, and highly distressing experience. It typically involves a strong and immediate reaction to the trauma, which may include symptoms like anxiety, shock, and difficulty coping with the aftermath of the event.

Trauma vs. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Not all cases of trauma develop into more serious PTSD. Humans react strongly to stressful events, but such reactions tend to subside after days or a few weeks. Nevertheless, some people struggle with emotional distress for an unusually long time. Some known triggers include:

  • Sudden loss of a loved one
  • Life-threatening illnesses
  • Being a victim of violent crimes
  • Near-fatal accidents and mishaps
  • Natural disasters
  • Learning that someone close was traumatised

When the trauma starts negatively affecting the person’s daily routines, it evolves into a mental health condition that warrants decisive intervention. According to the Australian Psychological Society, a post-traumatic stress diagnosis and treatment may be made when the person has been experiencing the following symptoms for over a month:

  • Experiencing flashbacks of the traumatic event
  • Losing interest in activities they used to love
  • Having difficulty completing the most basic tasks
  • Having an exceedingly pessimistic view of life
  • Losing sleep to memories of the traumatic experience
  • Avoiding anything or anyone associated with the ordeal
  • Getting angry or irritated too easily

If you know someone with some or all of these symptoms, there’s no need to wait one month to seek help. Consider contacting our trauma counselling team if the symptoms have manifested for over two weeks and have considerably affected the person’s school, work, or daily life.

Types of Trauma Therapy & Treatment

Our treatment methods for trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) typically focus on helping individuals cope with and recover from the emotional and psychological impact of traumatic experiences. Here are some of our common approaches:

Psychotherapy (Talk Therapy):

This is our most common method and can be categorized into two:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This is one of the most widely used therapies for trauma and PTSD. It helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors related to the trauma.
  • Exposure Therapy: Involves gradual and controlled exposure to traumatic memories to reduce their emotional impact and desensitize the person.

Prescription Medications:

The two common types of medication a patient can use depending on the level of their trauma and response to other methods of treatment include the following:

  • Antidepressants: These can help manage symptoms of depression and anxiety often associated with trauma and PTSD.
  • Anti-anxiety medications: Prescribed for managing extreme anxiety or panic attacks.

Other methods of treatment can include Trauma-Informed Care, which is an approach that emphasises understanding the impact of trauma on an individual’s life and providing care that is sensitive to their needs.

How Trauma Therapy Online Can Help

Trauma is hard to live with, not just for the affected individual but also for everyone around them. The individual might not be able to live their life to the fullest because fear is holding them back. Meanwhile, family and friends might struggle to cope with their afflicted loved one alienating or being hostile towards them.

Fortunately, thanks to medical and technological advances, treating trauma is possible. Our online trauma counselling services enable patients to get in touch with our experienced therapists via telehealth for coping strategies, support and treatment. With this technology, we can help people no matter where they are in Australia.

Our psychological and therapeutic interventions are open to patients with self- or plan-managed funding from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The therapist’s fees are covered under the NDIS and below the rate recommended by the agency.

We’re dedicated to finding creative solutions through our range of counsellors and therapists to help people ease the impact and suffering resulting from traumatic events and incidents. Contact us to learn how we can tailor the therapy sessions to your needs.

Retake Your Life with Telehealth Therapy

No one should have to bear the burden of a traumatic experience alone. Professional help is just a call away, no matter where you are. Contact Minds Online to schedule an appointment today!

Our Team

The multi-disciplinary team at Minds Online consists of Clinical & Registered Psychologists and Medicare-Registered Occupational Therapists. We share a passion for delivering quality mental health care to individuals and families across Australia.



Director, Clinical Psychologist



Clinical Psychologist



Registered Psychologist



Mental Health OT / Counsellor